Emancipation of Thought

Thank you for your visit to my blog, your time is highly appreciated. Actually, I write whatever comes to my mind. I express my feelings, my thoughts in poetry, articles, and sometimes in a few lines of dialogue. After that I feel very relaxed, my mind gets free. During this Covid period, I got an opportunity to nurture my writing habits more than before. The new different and difficult world taught me a lot. I got time to pause, stop and restart. I thought it will be really good to share my thoughts, my dreams, my passion, emotion with you. So that, I can get further opportunity to rectify myself, with improved vision, outlook through your comments, praise, and criticism as well. The idea insisted me to start my own blog. It’s indeed that, the world is progressing fast but, our minds are not that fast. They always suffer from dilemma, hesitation, fear and the most dangerous thing is the ‘ lest people say something’ idea. We can’t express ourselves honestly and freely due to present political and social suppressions. We burn inside, pain inside but, afraid to share. These scenarios are everywhere across the world. People are suffering from suffocation from all those issues but, prefer to remain silent. Silence breaks a person inside and outside. I want to escape this situation and planned to fly freely. This is the story behind ‘Emancipation of Thought’. Let’s walk together……….


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কবিতার মান

কি এমন হবে যদি ছাপা হয় আমার কবিতা ‘দেশে’! ভাষা এক রবে শব্দ বানান যা লিখেছি ভালোবেসে। বাড়বে না মান একটুও জেনো আমার কলম…

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ফুলদানীটি সাজানো আছে নানারকম ফুলে নিলাম ছিঁড়ে একটি আমি সাজিয়ে নিতে চুলে। জনে জনে বললে ডেকে ফুলটি খুবই মানিয়েছে তোকে, খুশি হলাম,বললাম হেসে লাগিয়েছি…

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Know your limits but, never stop trying to exceed them. Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.

